Thanks to Dr. Gary Wong and his students, who visited and appreciated the values of Pokfulam Village in the past few months, the Villagers’ original docent tour itinerary will be enriched, website be setup and publication materials be translated (into English). It is another bright example among the joint endeavours between the two oldest communities in Pokfulam!“
— Benjamin Sin, Team Leader,
Caritas Pokfulam Community Development Project

Our collaboration with the Department of Sociology is extremely fruitful. Besides theoretical knowledge on heritage tourism, students are given rigorous training and hands-on experience in formulating a cultural tour on the selected vicinities. These tasks require diligence, determination, and the ability to connect theories to real-life situations. Students’ effort is commendable."
— Paul Chan, Co-founder and CEO, Walk In Hong Kong
The experiential learning elements of this project greatly facilitated the teaching and learning process. Through field trips, guest lectures and case study on Pokfulam, the concepts and major debates of tourism studies were more effectively discussed. This project provides valuable chances for students to apply knowledge to real life situations. It also proved to be successful in connecting theory to practice, and community partners with students. I enjoyed the semester by exploring the history and future of Pokfulam with community partners and students together."

— Gary Wong, Lecturer, Department of Sociology

The final project of the course offers us an opportunity to write our own guidebook and initiate a walking tour in Pokfulam, based on what we have learnt in class, guest lectures and field studies. The final project does not require us to conduct a traditional academic research, but expects us to do a collaborative work in a more unconventional and creative way. Although the project is quite difficult in some sense – as it is quite different from what I have ever done - I find it very challenging yet interesting."
— Wendy Leung, BSS, Year 4
Before participating in the investigation of Pokfulam, Hong Kong was a fishing village to me. What it came to my mind was a old village that I couldn’t find anything that are valuable to be preserved and revitalised. After participating in a guided tour in Pokfulam Village and having completed my investigation on the Old Dairy Farm, ‘secrets’ that not many locals know unraveled. Without this project, I wouldn’t know that agriculture played a crucial role in Hong Kong’s history along with many ‘living stories’ in this community. This project not only deepened my understanding of Hong Kong but also encouraged me to become a critical thinker."

— Iris Cheung, BSS, Year 2

The experience of working on the tours was vastly rewarding. It deepens my understandings on the theories as well as honing up my research skills. It was much more than knowledge as it enables me to appreciate our city in a whole new way."
— Rocky Keung, BEd&BSS, Year 3
As a business and law student, the content of the courses I usually attend is mainly based on books and assigned readings. I rarely have the chance to attend lectures outside regular classroom. Thus, this course is a brand new learning experience to me. Despite being a HKU student for 4 years, I barely know the history of this neighbourhood...... I was assigned to the site Pokfulam Country Park and Reservoir. Before conducting research with my groupmates, we thought country park was merely an area with rich biodiversity, we never thought that there could be so much history behind."

— Yeung Ching Mingme, BBA (Law), Year 4

My group is assigned to take part in the final project regarding Pokfulam Village. It is a precious opportunity for me and my groupmates to be involved in such a meaningful project, be able to enjoy the interesting tour planning and to have a deeper understanding of the beauty of Pokfulam Village. Through joining the local tours and interviewing the residents in Pokfulam Village, I start to realise the potential of cultural and heritage tourism in Hong Kong...... I hope that the tour designed by our group could be actualised and raise the awareness of heritage preservation among Hong Kong people."
— Karen Kwan, BA, Year 4