Project Team
Course Title and Course Code
Project Title
Supported by
Community Partner
Community Collaborator
Team members
Course instructor & chief editor
Project coordinator
Course tutor
Student helper
Design production
Editorial design
Editorial and AR consultant
Editorial support
Special thanks
A Cultural Study of Tourisms and Tourists (SOCI2055; former title)
Tourism, Culture and Society (SOCI2055; current title)
Bridging History and Future: Designing a Heritage Tour at Pokfulam Village and Its Vicinity
Samantha Li
Steve Cheung
Iris Cheung
Rocky Keung
Yeung Ching Mingme
Wendy Leung
Walk In Hong Kong
Winnie Yoe
Miu Chan
Christy Chan
Waisze Leung
Amelia Chan
Natalie Chow
Sherry Cheng
Danny Yeung
Katrina Yip
Chi Fu Fa Yuen Residents’ Association
Cultural Sub-committee, University Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
James Hayes
Melissa Cate Christ
Piera Chen
Pokfulam Village Cultural Landscape Conservation Co. Ltd.
The Industrial History of Hong Kong Group
Tel: (852) 3917 2065
Email: garypfhk@hku.hk
Address: Room 9.04, The Jockey Club Tower
The Department of Sociology, Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong